27 Years
July 14th, 2022
Showing up as authentically as yourself is the only way you will connect with people
People fend for themselves and are selfish. It’s likely not a personal attack against you.
You have to verbalize what you need from someone. People can’t read minds.
Verbalize your emotions. Holding them in is self-sabotage.
Quality > Quantity.
Never fight for anyone to see your worth.
You should always be growing in a job. If you’re not, your job isn’t serving you.
Life works in chapters. The people change. The friends change. The places change. The times change. The jobs change. You and your desires change. And that is more than okay, it is what happens when you continue evolving, responding, and healing.
Move away from your hometown, at least once. You can always move back.
People don’t owe you anything. Everyone has a choice.
It’s okay to say no when something doesn’t align with you.
Listen first, respond after.
You have to enjoy being alone to learn who you really are and what truly makes you happy. Take a trip alone if you haven’t.
Free yourself from judgment. You will never understand a person's full story and situation.
I will only accept people into my life who express compassion, empathy, and genuine interest and connection.
About 1 in 100 women have repeat miscarriages, and I am that 1%.
Wear sunscreen, a lifejacket, and whatever the hell else you want to.
Free/trade community knowledge sharing is essential.
Money controls our lives.
Most bad moods can be healed by either sleep, food, getting fresh air, or doing something tactile.
Home should be your peace on earth. Emotionally, physically, relationally. Protect your peace at all costs.
Social Media is all curated content. Do not compare you and your life to what you see on the internet.
A dialogue, conversation, discussion, and debate are completely different forms of communication. Understanding what type of communication you are participating in is essential to be effective and comprehensive.
Demands and boundaries are different. If someone requests something from you and you say no, and they get upset with you and issue you a form of punishment; that request turns into a demand. Demands do not respect the other person’s personal autonomy.
Disagreements can only be resolved when both parties have a willingness to change.
Not everyone in your life has to like each other. People serve different needs.
Don’t be over reliant or committed to any one place, job, or situation. Life can drastically change overnight. Be ready to say yes to the next opportunity.