For me, caring for plants is therapeutic.

Why am I interested in houseplants?

“I like bringing nature inside. Watering plants and fussing over them is therapeutic and relaxing. I think everyone should have a hobby and this one works for me! Plus they're beautiful and rewarding.” - Nicole Bringas

“They make me feel better when I am sad.” - Laura Hudson

“Plants are beautiful calming and fun. You can't just have one. You need more and more. ❤🌺” - AJ Robinson 

“I have been lucky enough to have a wonderful variety of animals. But now that I’m nearly 76... that is no longer possible.  Plants fulfill my need to grow things... a “project” that I must have.” - Judie G. Hansen

“Really though.... they just make a home feel alive and peaceful ♡♡♡” - Erica Aucun

“My houseplants help me distress from work & toddlers. They are my calm & the world slows down when I take care of them. My favorite right now is my curly spider I got about 1 1/2 years ago when they were only 3inches tall she's now sending out baby shoots.” - Samantha Qualles

“Seeing them happy gives me a little happiness.” - Susan Geigler

“I love caring for all living creatures. Whenever I feel high anxiety or panic attacks, I start observing all my plants and seeing what they need and it helps calm me down. Plus, they are just beautiful! Why would you not want to be surrounded by natural beauty.” - Sara Campbell

“I’ve always had a lot of pets..I mean ALOT. but can't really clean all those cages/ take care of the 200 gallon saltwater tank anymore. Plants have filled the void. They need me..and respond to my care with gifts of Bloom's and beautiful new foliage. I need to be needed..and enjoy sharing plants with my loved ones, or really anyone that shows an interest in them. Great way to meet people also!” - Patricia Guidry

“I got this beauty when I split from my bf a little over a year ago. Apparently, I NEED something to care for.” - Hillary Payne

“They're my friends.”  - Sydney Murray 

“One of my favorite green babies. I keep lots of plants my children are grown and I needed something to need me😉 plus they help my seasonal depression 😩” - Genny Bunner

“They help keep my depression at bay, it's hard to stay down when I'm surrounded by new baby leaves 😍

I went through a really dark time last year, so bought myself a baby fiddle who is now huge! Now I have about 60 plants everywhere.” - Bek Totts

“I agree with Bek! Caring for something and watching them grow has helped ease my depression and anxiety :) whether it's friends complimenting their growth or seeing a new bud it helps me feel accomplished.” - Zoe Nairn

“I love looking at all the different plants and it’s a calming experience.” - Kelly Fillion

“My interest in houseplants came shortly before the passing of my 20yr old cat who was the best antidepressant, and antianxiety in the WORLD for me. When she passed I clung to houseplants, and my collection grew quite considerably to give me something to distract myself from my missing her so much.” - Becca Hansen

“They make me feel good inside. The end.” - Stephanie Fameli

“Gives me something to get out of bed for.” - Joyce Pool

“I’ve had a lot of anxiety lately and caring for them calms me.” - Erin Louise King

“I like all plants!  I like house plants, because they are plants, in my house!😂They have been a huge part of my life since birth. I can't imagine life without plants, or that anyone wouldn't love them.” - Kate McCord

“They are a reminder for me to take care of my mental health. When I notice I'm slacking or my plants look like they need love usually I need to take care of myself mentally too.” - Britannie Weaver

“I always thought I had a black thumb, but I really like weeding (you get to talk to the plants and get your frustrations out, win win). Well, I got into the fish hobby and finally went all natural (no plastic) a few years ago. The water plants lived so I decided to try succulents and cactus. Then I found out all the cool things you can grow IN your fish tanks, especially in the filters... Pfft... Game over. Now I just need to figure out a way to add some shelves over a 65g tank (I'm short😁)” -

Crissy Harkens

“I grew up in the country...but have lived in the city, my entire adult life.  Houseplants fulfill my need for green, everywhere around me...and green makes me feel grounded and connected and at one with the universe.

Plus, they’re pretty...and I love pretty things.” - Aurora Vanderbosch

“Allows me to be in the moment and decreases anxiety.” - Vita Pozdeyev

“They gave me something to fill breaks in my busy life between full time school and full time work. I didn't want to go to the bars and didn't have time or it was too late to do anything else like hikes or going to the river. It calms me too. It's my meditation because I can't get actual meditation to work for me. I love caring for things too. It fills my crave to have something special and unique. Also fills my competitive drive to keep a difficult plant alive. Also helps my anxiety by giving me something to do everyday instead of staring at my phone or watching TV. I like the buying, selling, trading aspect too.” - Jacqueline McCoy

“I love being the reason something is growing successfully! Also am relaxed when taking care of plants and when surrounded by greenery. And plant people!!” - Lauren Nekota

“I like how grounded and relaxed I feel when I'm fiddling around with them.” - Carmen Doerge

“They help give me purpose and ease my depression. Here's my big coleus babies, they bring me so much joy.” - Nati Thie

“They are so beautiful to watch grow and propagating them is amazing!” - Tiffany Maxim 

“Taught me patience.” - Sam Tignor

“I love nature. So for me houseplants bring that extra life into a home. I how the serene energy they bring. I also love that they grow with me throughout life.” - Skyler Stroud

“I have seen plants around ever since I was a kid. I felt a piece missing when I had to give up on them for various reasons. Having them back made me realise the positives even more. I can get lost for hours in my small garden and feel at peace at the end of it.” - Rohini Gupta Khattar

“When I had a miscarriage, my husband bought me a plant. Something to care for, I guess, I saw I could keep it alive longer than 10weeks and decided to get another...and another...and holy crap now I have 37 plants. Helped me mentally heal.” - Amanda LaFond

“They give me peace joy love to see new growth It makes very happy to be surrounded by them.” - Amelia Rascon

“They represent life and healing.  In 2012 I started getting pain-free migraines.  I was so sensitive to everything. The plants had to go.  the worst of this is I had to get rid of my 50-year-old Chinese Evergreen 'modesto'.  I'm better now but then my 19-year-old cat died this summer. I couldn't take that feeling of no life.   I had to get another Chinese Evergreen like the one I got rid of. Didn't know that it wasn't being grown anymore.   THEN I found a rare plant grower that had it! I feel much better now. Here's my baby... It will take a very long time to get it to the point my old one was.  I don't care because this one is helping me heal.” -!Laura Bowe

“But I love sitting back and looking at something I have invested my time in... So, on that note plants and candles all day.” - Gino Tribbetts

“Truthfully, I became obsessed with houseplants after my foster daughter who I was supposed to adopt returned to her parents. It's how I'm going I guess. I'm also using the plants as decor too.” - Nicole Nicole

“Let me be honest...I like the color green, and it's my favorite. Most of my plants are different shades of green. 😅 I like that feeling of satisfaction when my plants bloom, because I know that my care for them is good. They are air purifier, and some of them smell nice (their flowers). Some of my plants consume flies and other small bugs.” - Arthemisia Iridum

“As a person who tends to procrastinate,having them made me become a lot more organized on how I consume my time. It taught me how to be a responsible individual.

It's very rewarding and satisfying to see my plants thrive.

Thanks to that one piece of Basil cutting,that I discovered I can make things grow and that I may have a green thumb(which I do).Making cuttings root out and live?Best feeling ever!!Especially for that Gardenia cutting I got a couple of months back!I can proudly give myself a tap on the back for all that.” - Roneal H. torres

“Give me responsibilities, keep me on my toes and for the most part look nice sat on my shelves.” - Emma Gadsby

“They give me peace of mind, and remind me that our mother is nature and we gotta respect her.” - Joanna Niedolistek